Avacado with cane sugar

posted by Sashiya on Dec 08 2014

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Avacado is loaded with benefits and it is best taken when raw and without much of sugar in it. One such good recipe is guacamole, which has been already posted. Apart from that, this is an easy way to include avacado. This cannot be called as a recipe, but this way of having avacado is definitely healthy and delicious, so posting it.

If you are new to avacado, please take a look into the guacamole recipe, in which there are some tips on ripening avacado. Avacado may taste bitter and hard sometimes, it indicates that it is not ripe enough to eat. It may upset your stomach so do not eat them.

In this recipe, I have used unrefined cane sugar (karumbu sakkarai/nattu sakkarai). It goes very well with avacado. Do try this combination. Also serve them as such in their own shell, because when scooped out to serve, it may start browning, need more sugar or texture might be lost. Spread sugar above the fruit and scoop it with a spoon and enjoy !.



Ripe Avacado

Cane sugar (karumbu sakkari) as required


 1. Cut open a ripe avacado and discard the seed. Spread cane sugar over it, serve immediately. Scoop and enjoy with sugar as required.

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Cane sugar may turn watery so serve it immediately. Even if sugar turns watery it tastes yummy !!.

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