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Its a very healthy version of cabbage chapathi. Half the flour and half of grated cabbage. Cabbage makes the chapathi very tasty and no one will feel like eating cabbage, it blends so well. Even those who does not eat cabbage will love this. Cabbage is a very healthy veggie and my grandpa used to boast the goodness of it often. This can be packed for lunch and tastes yummy even after cooling down. If packing for lunch cook with generous oil, it will make it fabulously good.[...]

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This is a simple version of fermented ragi dosa. Usually, we make ragi and wheat dosa as an instant version, but this fermented dosa is still more healthy with the goodness of probiotics and very tasty. It turns out very crispy and soft yet, literally melting in mouth. Ragi has many goodness than oats. It has more calcium and fibre, hence recommended for children and women. Its a type of millet that helps in weight loss.[...]

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This may sound unusual, but this has become a favourite and repeated recipe in our daily cooking. Raw banana skin has lots and lots of fibre not only that, the taste is also too good. Those who suffer from constipation can include this in their diet frequently. This can be prepared like our usual stir fries. I have tweaked it a little using coconut oil and cumin powder. [...]

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Being South Indian, Dosa is a kind of usual breakfast in our home. When there is no dosa batter left, it is like missing a big deal to me. This recipe in particular does not need fermentation. Just grind and make dosas instantly. Doesn't that sound great. Also the rice can be soaked overnight. So soak rice while going to bed, next day just grind and make dosas. It will be a new and easy add on to the dosa variety.[...]

I love this to the core. Thinking of it makes me drool. This was passed on to me by my mom. This cannot be called as a recipe, but a simple combination that creates a fantastic taste. It can be had as such or as a combo for rice. Always make it fresh and consume it right away. I am sure it wont last that long to store !. I made a batch of it and controlled myself till taking photos. I finished it off instantly and had to make two more batches at once and finished it all by myself. [...]

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After trying apple rose recipe with buns instead of pastry, wished to try it atleast once with pastry base. When I was preparing, it appeard like I was using too much butter. When tasted it, oh my God !, its worth all the butter used. It is totally incomparable to the bakery stuffs. Using only butter it had a wonderful smell of butter. I decided to surprise my hubby but when he entered home, he sniffed and said it smells like stepping into a bakery. Since the photo was taken during night it is not so good, but the recipe is too good belive me.[...]

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Pillowy soft marshmallows just melts in mouth. If you have a stand mixer or hand mixer and love marshmallows just close your eyes and try them. They are very easy to make and kids will love them a lot. The two main ingredients are gelatin and sugar. I was not comfortable using gelatin, but one fine day I was craving for something sweet and determined to try marshmallow. For the sake of marshmallow gelatin was excused. If you are strict vegetarian, then this is not for you. [...]

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Chocolate roulade is so moist and melts in mouth. It was so tough f or me to even serve then individually as they were so soft and moist. It easily glides into your tummy !!. It looks like an exotic dessert, but the making is simple. Roulade is primarily made with eggs with little or no flour. It is more soft than swiss roll since there are more eggs and little flour in it. The primary technique here is to seperate the egg whites and beat them as for meringue and fold in at last. The result is soft and airy chocolate base....

Recently, I have stopped taking in milk and started on buttermilk due to some health issues. Milk is hard to digest with aging, but buttermilk on the other hand is easier to digest and has more benefits than milk. It is a common task in our homes to prepare home made curd. Instead of having curd, churing the butter out and having buttermilk is more beneficial. It helps to flush the toxins out from our body. After having a heavy meal, it is best to have a glass of buttermilk, which aids in good and easy digestion, esp after food rich in ghee or oil. It gives a feeling of fullness and satisfaction...

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