Veg momos, how to make veg momos recipe

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i happened to taste momos for the first time in a road side shop and was not impressed by the taste. it was another time when i was served as a starter in a buffet at mainland china i tasted it without intererst, but surprisingly it was too good. i liked the veg momos than the chicken momos. for those who have not tasted the momo's yet, it has an outer layer made up of maida and inner filling with combination of veggies typical taste of the chinese cuisine with the addition of soy sauce. if you like the chinese food you shall devour these too. i found the process of making these momos tedious for the first time, but now i have repeated many times and feel confident to get it right. Make sure to try this when you have ample of time.

I have used carrot and cabbage for the stuffing. you shall use other veggies like beans and capsicum too. Using a chopper might cut down the time so try using if you have one. Don't miss the dip on the notes section, it just takes them to a whole new level.

2 cup finely chopped cabbage
1/2 cup finely chopped carrot
2 whole spring onions finely chopped
1/2 tsp pepper powder
1/2 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp oil
4 pods finely chopped garlic
1 cup levelled all purpose flour/ maida
salt to taste


1. Add a tsp of oil to maida and knead into a soft, pilable dough. Keep aside for 20-30 min. Chop veggies very finely. i have grated carrot alone.

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2. In a pan, heat oil and fry garlic followed by white part of the spring onions for a minute. Add in the chopped vegetables

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3. Add sugar and saute the veggies for a min. Add salt and pepper and give a quick stir.

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4. In high flame, add soy sauce and stir continuously for a min. finally, add spring onions mix well and switch off when they are well combined.

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5. Take the dough little smaller to the size of the gooseberry, dip it in oil and roll them thin. Keep the stuff in the middle and bring the ends together by pleating them from the point where you start. when you are done with the whole round, join the end together so that it looks like a mini bundle. secure the knot on the top by pressing firmly together. take care not to tare them.Cook them in a steamer for 5 min or until done. Add a tsp of oil in water boiling in the steamer. i used my idli pot.

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1. you shall try various shapes of momos. if interested find them in google.

2. it can be had with tomato sauce or prepare the dip by grinding a tomato with 4 red chillies (adjust according to taste), 10 garlic pods, 1 tsp of vinegar and salt.

3. you shall try doing the outer layer with wheat flour or a combination of wheat and maida. it is better to have always hot if made with wheat.

4. using oil makes the outer layer of maida very soft. 

5. it is important to keep the dough covered at all stages, since it gets dried up very fast and may lead to dry outer layer.

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Nice.. Going to try these..



Really nice..

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