Methi pulao using barnyard millet (kuthiravaali arisi)

by Sashiya posted Aug 27, 2014 
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Millet recipes are getting popular and our family have changed to millets for lunch inste ad of white rice. Hmm yes, it was a bit tough to initially abstain wholly from white rice, but considering the health benefits and mainly its aid in weight loss, we continued to have it and now its our become an indispensable part of our lunch. I've heard people taking just one cup of rice/ limited rice for lunch. The best part is you need not restrict yourself if taking millets. You shall have full stomach and a little amount makes you feel full.

There are many varieties of millets and among them barnyard millet is our favourite as it is more similar to rice in taste that you may hardly find a difference. I have used barnyard millet in this recipe whereas feel free to use any other kind of millet like little millet (saamai), foxtail millet (thinai), kodo millet (varagu), proso millet (pani varagu) and quinoa. The method of preparation is so simple that it can be finished in half an hour.


1 cup of tightly packed cleaned whole methi leaves (do not chop)
1 chopped big onion
3 cloves chopped garlic
1 small piece of chopped ginger
1 slit green chillies (optional, I didn't use)
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp amchur powder (or replace with 2 tsp of lemon juice)
1 cup of barnyard millet
3 cups of water
salt to taste
1 tsp ghee
1 bay leaf
1 clove
1 piece of cinnamon


1. Pick and clean the methi leaves. Keep them whole need not chop them. Chop onions, garlic and ginger. Choose a pan with a perfect lid and heat ghee in it. Add the whole spices, wait till it turns fragerant.

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2. Add onions, garlic and giner saute them till slightly brown. Now add methi leaves. 

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3. Saute till they shrink in volume. This helps reduce their bitterness. Add chilli powder, coriander powder and amchur powder.

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4.Saute for a minute until the raw smell leaves. Add 3 cups of water and bring it to a boil. Add required salt to it.

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5.When the water boils, add one cup of barnyard millet and mix once. 

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6. Close it with a lid and keep it in the small burner with the smallest flame possible for exactly 10 minutes. Do not open it in between. After 10 minutes switch off and leave it aside for 20 min. Open after 20 minutes or while serving. 

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Tastes good with seasoned curd (thalitha thayir) or a simple raitha.


  • I have used water in the ratio of 1:3. This works fine but if you want to change try it once and use accordingly.

  • Any millet variety shall be used. Follow the same procedure.

  • Do not chop the methi leaves it results in a bitter taste. Just use the leaves whole with slender stalks in them. 

  • I have not used green chillies and it was mild in taste, suitable for kids too. If you wish to spice it up use 1 green chilly and 1/4 tsp of garam masala.

  • The same recipe can be done with basmathi rice. Soak the rice for 30 minutes and either cook in a closed pan with intermittent checking or in a pressure cooker.

  • The millets cooks fine in 10 minutes, but it continues to get cooked and absorbs all the moisture in the resting time of 20 minutes. So it is essential to give them a resting time. If you are in a hurry then pressure cook for 3 whistles.

  • Serve immediately else it may turn dry. Tastes best when hot, do not open till serving. 

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