Macaroon/ Meringue cookies

posted by Sashiya on Oct 04, 2014
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Hope you have tasted the melt in mouth macaroon. Have you ever wondered how to make them. I was all surprised to know that it was so simple to make them. It calls for only two main ingredients, egg and powdered sugar. Though the ingredients are so simple, it took me three times to master them. Every time it turned out better and now it has turned out to my satisfaction. 

I have mentioned few points to take care of, which I've learnt through my mistakes. Firstly, powder sugar very finely and the batter should be mixed well until the sugar is well incorporated. There should not be any sugar particles felt when pressed between two fingers. Secondly, they have to be cooked for a longer time at a lower temperature 140 degrees, if not they might get burnt soon and go uncooked in the middle. Thirdly, do not panic and open the door often. It might interrupt the process of cooking by lowering the temperature. Fourth point is to allow a period of resting time. After cooking leave them as such without opening the door for 2 hours atleast. With the resting time, it gets even better. Fifthly, the batter should not be more than an inch, the flatter the better. Also make sure everything is even in size for even cooking. 

I have used my stand mixer for making them, you may use hand mixer or just a beater to do it. Also I have mentioned the measurements required for one egg white, you shall double the recipe as such. I have used vanilla flavour, any flavours like strawberry, pineapple etc can be used. Below is the picture of a perfectly baked center. 

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nutritional information: makes 9
1 egg white at room temperature
1/4 cup minus 1 tsp sugar powdered 
1/2 tsp vanilla powder/extract/essence
2 tbsp raw cashewnut bits


1. Preheat oven to 140 C. Powder sugar in a mixer.

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2. Seperate egg white from yolk without any spec of yolk. The bowl should be free of oil and water. Egg has to be at room temperature.

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3. When the egg white is slightly frothy start adding sugar slowly. Continue until all the sugar is used up. In the final batter, there should not be any sugar particles felt when pressed between fingers.

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4. Add vanilla powder/essence and nuts. No need to roast the nuts priorly.

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5. Spoon the batter carefully onto a clean. dry and oil free baking tray. Using two spoons drop the batter with enough spacing. Bake for 60 minutes at 140 degrees on a preheated oven. Leave the door unopened for 2 hours. It may slightly turn slightly brown, but do not panic.

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Enjoy the melt-in-mouth macaroons. You shall store them in an airtight container, but it wont last that long !. It took me three trials to perfect this art, try with patience and you will achieve perfection.


  • The ingredients have to be at room temperature. The vessel used for beating egg should be clean of oil and dirt, it is important for the egg to raise well.

  • We have used vanilla flavour here, use any flavour as per wish.

  • You may even add coconut gratings on the top for a difference.

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