Steamed Nutella swirl cake   

by sashiya posted Sept 16, 2014
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Made these cute cupcakes by steaming in idli pot. These cakes were ready in a jiffy. With nutella and other simple ingredients in the pantry, these will surprise your kids and others at home with little effort. These are simply perfect for sweeth tooth cravings. These can be had just as it is or topped with chocolate sauce, nutella or whipped cream. 

This recipe is adapted from Magpie's recipes. I was so impressed by its simplicity that i tried it the next moment without any delay and the cakes turned out super soft. The pictures are not so good that I was more interested in making the cake than taking photographs. Try it and you will love it!.


1/2 cup of maida (preferably organic unbleached)
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
2.5 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp butter/ vegetable oil
2-3 drops vanilla essence
1 tbsp heaped nutella


1. Heat water in a idli pot or a pan so that it starts boiling by the time your cake batter is ready. Mix milk, vanilla essence, egg, sugar, butter (or oil) and whisk altogether. 

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2. In another bowl combine flour and baking powder mixing really well. Pour the egg mixture into the flour.

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3. Mix them carefully without any lumps. Do not overmix as it may turn them hard forming gluten. Now add nutella into it.

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4. Create swirls by mixing them twice or thrice. Overdoing might result in loss of swirl effect. I have overdone it lightly. Grease individual cupcake moulds and pour batter upto 3/4th of it allowing room for the cake to rise.

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5. Transfer this into the steamer (I have used idli pot) immediately and steam cook for 5 minutes. Check for doneness and cook for few more minutes if needed. Overcooking may turn it rubbery while undercooking results in dense cake. Cook until a toothpick comes out clean.

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Enjoy them hot with a dollop of nutella, whipped cream, icecream or simply as it is.


1. After adding nutella mix twice or thrice to make swirls, overmixing may reduce swirl effect.

2. Before adding nutella, check for sweetness and add more sugar if required.

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