Stuffed bittergourd

Posted by Sashiya on Nov 20, 2014

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Stuffed bittergourd is one such recipe which brings out an exceptional taste with a burst of flavours. This do require a lot of time to prepare and cook, but it is totally worth it. It goes really well with chapathis and rice too. I have prepared this with bigger variety of bittergourd as well as the smaller ones. If using bigger ones, it shall be cut into two or three pieces depending upon the size to suit the pan in which it is being cooked. The ends should be not trimmed, but kept intact to avoid spilling of the stuffed masala. 

This recipe is inspired from vegrecipes blog. The masalas used here have a north indian touch. Out of which amchur powder is very important as it imparts a nice flavour. It also contains thinly sliced onions, which has slight sweetness and the bittergourd tastes so good with the onions. Either it be chapathis or rice onion tastes damn good. Since it has a good amount of oil in it, this goes very well with chapathi and as a side dish for rice or can mashed up with rice.


 nutritional information: Serves 2-3

10 small bittergourd (or 1-2 long variety of bittergourd)
3 tbsp of oil
2 onions thinly sliced
For Spice mix:
3/4 tsp turmeric powder
3/4 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp amchur powder (dry mango powder)
1 tsp fennel powder
1/4 tsp garam masala
salt to taste


1. Mix all the dry spice powders along with required salt. You shall add extra salt later too.

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2. Wash and dry the bittergourd. Make a vertical slit on them keeping the ends intact, do not trim them. If using bigger bittergourd you shall cut them into two still keep the ends intact.

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3. Remove the seeds inside using your finger or a spoon carefully. Secure them with thread to prevent spilling of masalas while cooking.

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4. Add oil to a pan and when it is hot carefully place them all over and cook them on a low flame. When the flame is high it may burn them easily. Toss them or flip them in regular intrevals to make sure they are cooked on all sides evenly.

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5. When are cooked, it will change in colour and become tender. You may slightly cut an end using a spoon, it will yield to your cut easily. Remove them and add onions in the same oil, saute them well.

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6. When the onions are browned well add the leftover masalas if any and the bittergourd and mix gently for 1-2 minutes. Remove the thread while serving.

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Serve hot with chapathi or rice.


  • If you find oil to be less while it is cooking add little by little as needed. While frying onions if you find oil to be excess you may remove or add a fresh batch of oil too.

  • Onions complements it very well so do not avoid or skimp on it.

  • Check salt and add at last if needed. 

  • If making for kids, you may shave off the thorns over it and rub salt over it, leave it aside for 15 minutes later discard the juice and continue to stuff as usual. This reduces the bitterness a lot. 

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