Falafel (using chickpeas)  

by Sashiya posted Oct 28, 2014
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Falafel is made using chickpeas, fava beans or a combination of both. We have used chickpeas here. It goes very well with pita bread. It can be served as a starter or snack too. It is a famous food from labanese cuisine. Pita bread and falafel is a match made in heaven. To me it tastes similar to burger and satifies my cravings for burger. This post has been in the draft for long since I wanted to try the baked or grilled version of it too. Will update in the future upon trying, but as we all know, nothing can beat the taste of fried goodies. This is deep fried and tastes yum.

If the patties are to be baked or grilled, cook the chickpeas firsthand. Please do let me know if you happen to try them. The size and shape is purely optional. I have made them very small and flat like our vadais, since I've used only little oil for frying. Each patty here is of 1-1.5 tbsp of mixture so 2-3 patties could be accomodated in half pita bread. Again, the size is purely preferential.


nutritional information: yields 20 mini falafels 

1-1/2 cup chickpeas soaked overnight
1 medium sized onion finely chopped
2 tbsp coriander leaves
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tbsp lemon juice (optional)
2 tbsp maida/ wheat flour
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp freshly crushed pepper
salt to taste
oil as required for deep frying


1. Soak chickpeas overnight changing water 3-4 times in between if possible (to reduce gas problem). Drain the chickpeas well and grind it coarsely. It should resemble bread crumbs, dry, seperated and coarsely ground. Do not make a paste.

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2.  Chop the onions and in a bowl gather rest of the ingredients except oil 

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3. Add chickpeas and mix them well. It is important to keep the whole mixture dry for perfect results. Shape them into patties, balls or as desired.

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4. Heat oil and deep fry them in batches.

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Enjoy crispy falafels hot. Tastes good even when cooled down. Good when assembled with pita bread and topped with hummus or tahnini.

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1. This can also be baked or grilled to cut down oil. If doing so cook the chickpeas well and mash them. Add the other ingredients except maida/wheat and oil. Wheat and maida is added for binding as it may seperate at times while deep frying. If required add a slice of bread instead while grilling or baking. Bake or grill as required on both sides brushing them with oil.

2. Add little extra maida/wheat, if the mixture seperates while deep frying.

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