Apple Rose recipe

posted by Sashiya on Sept 19, 2014
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I am terribly confused on choosing the final picture, yes the apple rose is looking too lovely that it is hard to chose in which it looks exactly good. This is an accidental discovery, but very happy with the results. I was going through the recipe for apple rose pie. It called for more of butter like 2.5 cups of flour and 1 cup of butter. Even when i halved the recipe, I was short of butter. Also, I was not convinced to take so much of butter. I also made cinnamon squares along with these. So instead of making pie crust, I used up some of the yeasted dough from the other recipe and the result was soft, juicy base soaked in butter, cinnamon sugar and water let out by apple with the sweet aroma of cinnamon sugar. The apple roses were appealing so much that we didn't have a heart to bite it.

A single medium sized small apple was enough for 3 apple rose. Use a bright red coloured apple for a gorgeous rose. The post is bit long, please bear with me. The above picture is before baking, the below one is after baking.

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nutritional information: Serves 2 (makes about 6)

1/2 cup maida (organic preferably)
1 tsp dry yeast
4 tbsp sugar
1/2 inch cinnamon
1 tsp lemon juice
1 large apple (or 2 small apples)
1 tbsp butter (at room temperature)


1. In a bowl of warm water,  mix yeast and mix well. Leave it aside until frothy. Take the flour in a bowl.

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2. Using the yeast mixture, knead the dough. Apply a few drops of oil over it and leave it in a warm place around one hour until doubled. I generally leave it inside oven. 

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3. Slice apples as thinly as possible. Heat a pan with 2 tbsp of sugar and lemon juice.

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4. Add apples into it and cook for 10-12 minutes until they turn soft.

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5. In a mixer, add 2 tbsp of sugar and cinnamon, powder them. Grease moulds and keep it ready. There are two ways of making apple rose. For the method one, take a lemon sized dough and press it all around to form a cup.

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6. Spread around 1/4-1/2 tsp of butter over it and sprinkle cinnamon sugar generously.

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7. Arrange the apple slices to form a rose like the below one. Roll the apple slices suitably at start and continue to arrange the apple slices all around. Now carefully place the apple rose to fit snugly in the dough cup. Give a gentle press to secure it in place.

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8. Method two, roll out the dough flat and cut into strips of one inch. Apply butter all over followed by a thick layer of cinnamon sugar. Place the apple slices uniformly over the strips.

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9. Start rolling from one end so that one side is intact and the other end rolls like a blossom. Keep it carefully inside the mould and adjust the shape carefully if required.

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10. Leave them to raise for 30 min. Preheat the oven 200C, placing them over the oven keeping covered. Bake for 20 minutes and cool them on a wire rack. After it cools brush them with honey for glaze.

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Serve them with left over cinnamon sugar or honey. These apple rose were scented with cinnamon and soaked with butter, cinnamon sugar and apple syrup.


  • Choose nice red apples, even green apples work out great. 

  • For making apple rose pie the only change is the dough. Take 1.25 cups of flour and refridgerated 1/2 cup butter, cut into cubes with knife. Cut the butter into the flour with knife without using hands until you see butter as pea sized spread uniformly. Dip both hands in ice cold water and using 1.5 tbsp of water just bring them together, but do not knead. Keep it refridgerated for 30 minutes and take them out. On a well floured surface, gently roll them out. On this arrange the apple rose as we made in the first step. Bake at 200C for 20 minutes.

  • Use butter and sugar generously to get good results. Please do not skimp.

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